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La dee da.

rainbow vag sauce
Community Member
Would you like to hear about my birthday party? Of course.
Dum dum dum dum! As you should know, my birthday was on Friday, and my party was last night.Since most of my friends were there, this is for my Gaia friends (Cody.) here goes.
Sooooo, first Kristen came over and helped me finish cleaning my room. IT TOOK FOREVER! Two days. I found garbage in corners that I didn't know existed! I took out like five full sized trash bags out of there, and it was just disgusting. I actually cleaned my closet and under my bed though. Which I haven't done since.... last year. It was pretty insane. Anyways. Then Michael showed up, then all of a sudden everyone came in at the exact same time. Donnie, Brandon, and Blake dragged Emily under my bed and took her shoes off. Then I kicked everyone outside, even though it was freezing. There was a fire and both the Michael's were being pyros. Kristen and Warren were cuddling in my garage, Brandon was sitting on Kenna, and seventh grade Michael was trying to cuddle with anyone he saw. Shawn tried drinking my mom's wine with Garrett, so I had to hide it. Other Sean was being a pimp. (Like he always is. But tonight he had a pimp hat.) Anyways, for a while everyone was just hanging out. Morene chased Eric around with a hammer, Michael made a gorilla ******** an angel, Brandon ran around with a remote control car, and Shawn tried to light my dad's explosives. I decided to proceed to open my presents, but I didn't really open them in front of everyone. I opened Morene's first. She wrapped it in tissue paper, tape, wrapping paper, newspaper, more tape, more wrapping paper, more tape, and then it was in a box, then more wrapping paper. It took me a long time to open. It was a t-shirt from hot topic with a pink and blue unicorn crapping cupcakes. And it has a really big butt. Then I opened Nate's present. It was a box wrapped in christmas paper, then it was a bad inside a bad inside a bag inside a bag inside a bag inside a bag and so on about ten times. Then I found a monstrosity. It was size 5XL granny panties that were white and silky. I put them on over my pants and walked around. My mom took pictures. Then nate wore it as a doo-rag for awhile. He gave me my real present after that. Which was a pair of red underwear with hearts on them, and lace. Jason gave me some New Moon bracelets, and book mark, and candy. : D Warren got me this glass turtle thing that sits on a mirror and when light shines on it, it lights up. It's quite charming. (: Everyone else gave me money and cards. Except Brandon, who's poor and gave me a hug. And Shawn who just showed up and gave me money, and ended cuddling with Emily like my entire party. (They're going out again, as of last night at my party.) Michael was outside lighting stuff on fire with Morene, and I think Garrett was smoking. Eventually some people went inside and played rockband. Like Nate, Jason, Warren, Tyler, Garrett, and Donnie. And some people just watched. Like me. Then Warren and Kristen went and sucked face in my garage. Jason kept trying to cuddle with me, which was awkward since my little brother, mom, dad, and uncle were walking around the house. Seventh grade Michael started crying because his girlfriend from the other middle school broke up with him and told him it was just a zap. What a dumb game. So then Mo comforted him and he ended up kissing her on the cheek, and he asked me if he could have her number. Lmao, ever since I kissed him on the cheek at the dance he thinks he can go around doing it to everyone. Oh well. Soon people started leaving, and eventually was the only one left at around midnight, so we gave him a ride home. Kristen stayed the night and she got her period, which was funny cause I'm on my period too! But we ran out of pads and my mom had to go to the store in the middle of the night and get us some. Then we just talked for a really long time and went to sleep. Oh, but before that we counted my money and I got about one hundred dollars from all of my friends. I woke up this morning to a huge mess in my garage and outside though.
Wow, what a party.

User Comments: [2]
sexual fixations
Community Member

Mon Dec 07, 2009 @ 12:40am

Wow, this is LONG, I feel special. (:

LOL. Granny Panties. xD

Mm, I bet Emily is happy now, and it looks like your friends are very decsisive when it comes to wrappy. cool

Community Member

Tue Dec 08, 2009 @ 11:59pm

uh.... hey. what about me!!! i got you candy!!!! wtf!!!!

User Comments: [2]
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