Mwahaha. I haven't posted in a while... Oh well. I have great news today! I GET TO GO TO NEW YORK AND SING AT CARNAGIE HALL!!!! Woo!! Along with that, I get to go on like three ships around the place. It's awsome! A few people auditioned Yesterday and at first, our choir teacher said she would post it in the morning. Come choir time, she still hadn't posted. She spazed and said she would have it up after school.. Well, come after school, she hadn't posted and we asked her about it. "Oh crap, I forgot to post it.. Oh well, everyone got it, Bye." That's all she said and me and like five other girls started screaming. XD
On top of that, Next sunda [27th of february} Three people and I get to go sing at a school for solo and ensamble then hopefully party at China Town. If anyone will go, or get another otaku to go, that would be great! People singing is going to be Krys {Learning how to smile}, Christina {Little Death Eater}, Ariel {No gaia thinggie} and me, Edward the fourth! We will be singing Sakura, A japanese folk song and hopefully be all in Kimonos/Shinigami outfit. X3 It shall be awsome!!! If anyone that reads this isn't doing anything on Saturday, we would love for you to come! Comment or message me about it and I will tell you what school and at what time.. When I find out about it that is. X3 If you do come, don't go overboard like wearing something from Soul Calibur or something skimpy. Remember, this is proffesional and if we are good enough, we get to compete with other cities and counties in the state. After that, it is nationals. WOO!
The L0ve Kitten Community Member |
Community Member
I was there.