Title: Winter's Grace
Total Value: 1,498,123 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Snow Feather
Snow Feather
Blue Star Face Tattoo
Chuchip's Blessing
Felicia's Gloves
Albus Egg
Ritzy White Pearl Necklace
Ballet Toe Shoes
White Flow Prom Dress
Inari's Beads
Enchanted Book
"~Small crystal bits will bend and break, bend and break, bend and break~
~Shard of glass will tear and rake, my fair lady~
~Cover the ground with bits and blades, bits and blades, bits and blades~
~Erase the marks with feathers to stain, my fair lady~
~Scatter the *beep* with no dismay, no dismay, no dismay~
~Chill the hearts for those that may, my fair lady~
~Death to those that disobey, disobey, disobey~
~Scatter their corpses around the gate, my fair lady~"
Lol, random [carppy, yes, carppy] poem to go along with the tektek? ^^;
Title: A Koi's End
Total Value: 996,373 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Shadow Spirit
Labu Necklace
Pearl Milady Bodice
Daisy's Warm Dress
Pearl Milady Skirt
Dandy's Reprise
Enchanted Strings
Enchanted Book 9th Gen.
Chuchip's Blessing
Mythic Hair
Once, long ago, there was a fisherman, Kyle. Kyle was, as all the men were at that time, searching for the legendary golden koi, called Maylusi. After a long day at work, Kyle found a shimmering lumpy structure washed onto the seashore. When he came over though, he realized it was Maylusi. But, as Maylusi was injured to the point of being half-dead, he decided to save her from the others. Eventually she back in top-condition, but the most peculiar phenomenon occured while Maylusi was being released. Maylusi thanked Kyle, and asked him what he wanted in return for his help. Kyle wished to live the care-free life as a fish for a while, and Maylusi granted that by switching places with Kyle (turning Kyle into a fish, and herself into a human). Unfortunately, something went wrong and Kyle was stuck as a fish. With fish having a short lifespan in comparison to humans, Kyle died within several years. Everyday after his death, Maylusi blamed herself, and let a single glistening tear drop at every sunrise and sunset. Her soul eventually became an empty shell, taken over by impurities, and she soon died of heartache. But if you explore deep enough into the depths of the ocean, you will soon find a beautiful, shattering image of this tragic couple, engraved right at the very bottom of the sea floor.
Admire my writing skills, no? Usually I don't come up with a story with each tektek lol, just felt like it today XD
HOLY SHITZERS!!!! These has got to be two of my most expensive tekteks ever created!!!! eek ... Maybe... >.>
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