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Hey all. This is my journal. Most of it's just a bunch of random stuff.

Taiana Hanama
Community Member
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Post: 55455653_5 created on Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:14 pmPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:14 pm

Profile Skeletons!!

My True Master: Taiana Hanama
You Can Call Me: Anastasia DeLene M
How many candles I've blown out:: 21
Let Me Check: Female
This is the way I act: Strong, arrogant, Anastasia isn't afraid to be who she is. She can be quiet, but it's only because she's thinking, or just doesn't want to talk. She isn't loud, because she hates obnoxious people. And she doesn't like to get dressed up, a pair of jeans and a t-shirt is perfect for her. She doesn't like having to get married, just because her parents told her she had to, and she isn't a fan of following orders.
I hate these...please keep them away from me..: Jerks, Sexist people, Wussies, Pink, Liars, Being told what to do.
I love these: Her motorcycle, Stars, Night, The ocean, Rainy days, Running, Classical music, Her violin, and Her piano.
The story of my past life..: Anastasia was never happy about living in house with eleven other girls, so she snuck out on night, bought herself a motorcycle, and went wild. Ever since then, she's lived on the edge. Doing whatever she wanted, when ever she wanted. And her parents never told her she couldn't do anything. But she still loved her classical music, and her violin and grand piano. She still pursued her wonderful beloved music. When she was told she had to get married, she was mad, but she went along with it, just because.
When I look in the mirror,I see..: User Image
Puppet Master: Taiana Hanama

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