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Juno's Journal~
Welcome to my Gaia journal. My name is Juno, officially retired Gaia staff. Thanks for visiting!
Personal Entry: Gardening Love
I decided to take a break from the usual glitch reporting and such to share my recent discovery of my love of gardening. xd :

I've been wanting to grow my own garden for some time now, but knowing my personality, I knew I'd spend the first few weeks simply reading about it. Gardening - that is, wanting to grow one's own vegetables, preferably organically - is not simple business.

Today, 4 days after sowing some plants in some fool-proof Jiffy pellets, I am thrilled to say that I'm off to a good start - I've got the cutest little seedlings emerging from their dewy beds.

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My onion seedlings <3

Once they are large enough, I will be transplanting them outside, into containers. Until then though, I shall protect them and nurture them dearly! 4laugh

I've started a journal on my Folia Page to track progress of my very first container garden.

Overall, I am truly awed and humbled by the miracle that is growth. These seeds were so tiny, and these amazing little seedlings are popping out of them only a few days later. Mostly.... I just can't wait to be eating stuff I've grown. :B OMNOMNOM

User Comments: [26]
Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 11:18am

Grats! Here's hoping they grow up big and tasty!

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 01:08pm

Be eating stuff I've grown? Why that sounded like Homer Simpson and his lobster? xd

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 01:30pm

Awww thats so cute XD <3
you need to show pictures of the final product <3

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Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 02:40pm


Darien S.
Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 02:58pm

There's nothing like eating something you've grown yourself, and it's a pretty healthy and relaxing hobby ^^

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 03:17pm

Hehe, they're pretty when you get all up close like that >w<
Good luck with your garden!

Aiko Afriel
Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 03:49pm

*wiggles her own green thumb at Juno* Took me forever to convince my husband to get carrot seeds three years ago, the summer was nearly over by the time he gave in. The first time he tasted fresh home-grown carrots though he was hooked. Now we've got an entire box dedicated to herbs and veggies and have already harvested lots of carrots, some tomatoes, and half the lettuce with pumpkins and butternut squash on the way wink

There is definitely something very satisfying in eating foods that you've tended and labored over with your own two hands heart
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Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 03:51pm

Awwwws, congrats on being a plant mommy! x3

Queene of the May
Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 03:51pm


Srintella Tiagara
Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 04:07pm

Someone is bold. o_o I am known to kill plants.

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 08:22pm

Watch out for moles.
They killed my garden.

Yet somehow my dying tomato plants survived and are the only things growing now...

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 08:24pm

Good luck with your onion's~

I've been wanting to try growing food in our garden.
My mom's a gardening freak so I hope some rubbed ouff on me. Dx I'll experiment with a simple plant first then i'll go up from there.


Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 09:18pm

@_@ I've never tried Jiffy pellets before. xDD I now have the urge to run out and buy some to shove seeds inside! lol

Congrats on your germinating seeds, and thank you for introducing me to folia. xDD It counts the days for you and everything. Man ive been doing all the record keeping for my little peas, and flowers on and off randomly in LJ. This is so neat!

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 09:24pm

Onion babies..you're gonna get ATE! x3
I've always loved gardening, albeit from afar..never really got a chance to try it. Although I did grow tomatoes and cucumbers a few years back! Tried bell peppers too, but I think it was too late in the season and fall came on before they could grow sad
Unfortunately, where I live now, gardening probably wouldn't work too well. Maybe some day!
Good luck with your green thumb! :3

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 09:39pm

Awesome!! I am actually trying to grow my own little garden from seeds also! I have a yellow pepper plant, a gourd plant and mystery plant. My roomate says it's a weed. I tell her that we will love our little seedling no matter what path it chooses and we will plant in the yard and let it grow as its little heart desires. She then proceeds to yell at me for trying to plant weeds in the yard.

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 09:42pm

I started growing some basil in a old 2-liter bottle, but it took 2 weeks to sprout, grew a set of small leaves and then kinda died. But I was really excited when they first sprouted and I think if I had had a better spot to put them (dorm room doesn't leave a lot of options) they could have done much better. Basically, I sincerely wish you good luck on growing your onions, I remember wanting to omnomnom my basil too.

Community Member

Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 09:55pm

That's really cute! I've been wanting to grow some food for meself as well - I've grown lettuce before,and mushrooms, and berries...but right now there's only tomatoes smile Good luck!

Jayce Reinhardt
Community Member

Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 01:11am

I have basil and tomatoes growing in my kitchen, I can't wait to use them in my dishes. Fresh home grown stuff always taste soo much better!

Community Member

Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 01:48am

OH ! I have my own circular garden. Totally amazing how the tiniest of seeds can grow into really big plants, and how fast they are at it. surprised

Congrats on your onion babies. (Mine didn't sprout this year.)

And congrats on your 100th Journal entry.


Community Member

Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 05:10am

Are they those red/yellow onions or the green onions? Other easy plants are the green leek type looking onions and chives.. well maybe a bit TOO easy >_>

Community Member

Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 05:12am

I have a small water garden in an old hexagonal fish tank at the moment.

99-cent bag of gravel from K-Mart, $3 pack of random water plant bulbs from petsmart of all places, and I have some mini water lilies and stuff. Some of the bulbs just rotted away, which annoys me. But it's green and full of growy things and I only have to remember to water it when most of the water has evaporated away. XD

I keep thinking I might get a fish for it. @_@

Community Member

Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 10:58am


Seedlings of any type are cute and amazing, I'm glad you have some time to do it. =)

Community Member

Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 08:45pm

When my sister and started to get into high school, my dad decided to turn some unused space in his back yard into a small vegetable garden. The years before I moved out, I always enjoyed the fresh tomatos and peppers that he grew.

Nowdays he actually even has a homemade greenhouse sort of thing set up for when the weather gets cold too early and he still grows a small selection of veggies. I live too far away to enjoy them anymore but I hope to do something similar when my husband and I can move out of our apartment and into something bigger. ^.^

Community Member

Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 08:55pm

Good luck with the garden! I've been wanting to try, but I have killed every plant I've tried to nurture up 'til now. What books did you read on the subject? Would you recommend any?

Community Member

Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 12:15pm

Yay! Gardening is a good stress relief! So if you feel stressed out at all, it is the best thing to do!

Hey, you could use this knowledge of gardening to update Rina's shop too with heaps of pretty flower items <33333333

Community Member

Fri Aug 14, 2009 @ 11:14pm

You like gardening? I wish you would come and tame mine gonk

I have a garden at the front and back of my house, the front is being overrun with winter heathers (pretty though) and many things I don't know the name of - also rosemary, thyme, holly, flowering currant, ornamental (or just mental) grasses that decide to set themselves up in inappropriate corners and some struggling roses. The back, oh dear! With two dogs, I have just started reclaiming it from their digging. It was like the surface of the moon last winter, and it is being invaded by brambles from some wild land nearby, and catoneaster that seems to be trying to reach my daughter's window eek rofl and ferns - which are supposed to be delicate - which have died several times and yet come back to life somehow.

I looooove gardening, but I do not have green fingers, so it's a battle. I keep fighting though lol I must check out that site.

User Comments: [26]
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