Do you know what frustrates me....people that pretty much suck up to get anything and everything they want, even if it means throwing another friendship down the drain. What rights to people like that hold...I do'nt mind the whole being left in the dust bit or wtfever...but to actually throw me and my art in the dirt...that's awful, and don't think I don't have some actual friends that find stuff out like that for me. I can't believe that some people would stoop so low as to throw a shot at my ankles....and succeed. No wonder I feel out of place in Gaia anymore....Because I'm not a ruthless heartless b***h with talent that I overcharge for...I'm shunned
8D Yay for my holiday
What I obtained: -Ipod Shuffle -Nothing else of spectacular noteworthiness -a lecture from my father about how I'm his biggest mistake, how much of a failure I am, and how he can't wait to marry me off to anyone willing so he could just be done with me. -a good dinner -a good night of crying -a totally fake family photo -A couple of good CD's -and the next day spent with a good friend to bring me out of all this s**t.
Do I care what he really thinks? Not really...but it hurts when he pretty much throws all that at you at once...and then you sit there and take it. I'm getting used to being pretty much numb at the house again ^^; Whether it helps or not is beyond me...but if it'll stop the tears I'm all for it.
I think I'm getting a cold
I'm spending New Year's alone this year...which is a nice change from being in a house full of people and still being least the silence will be about this time.
Nothing else to really say...
jenna_chan2 · Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 03:59am · 3 Comments |