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Even though I've left my guilds somewhat idle and focused my attention to my Sonic the hedgehog RP and this one Teen Titans RP I found and joined, courtesy to west Silverfire. Everyone loves to know what others think about them, so in this post I shall make a list of the Gaians I know/am close to/ feel like writing about. As I am making this up as I go along, I've decided that Nakoko doesn't get to be on it because I don't feel like writing about her. xD.

Megaru Ryuuji- First and foremost, the origin of our bluenette began some year or so ago when we both housed a yugioh fetish. My character, Aoki Kyattsuai, had a similar origin and was the FIRST madeup I have used to ever exist on this site. Megaru Ryuuji is her account after the now deceased Kara316, and a chgaracter I made up as Otogi Ryuuji's overly abusive older cousin. So, Megaru Ryuuji, my friend so close that we constantly insult eachother like a couple that's been married for too long, is a persona in herself of intelligence and dignity. I respect her as I would my betters, which quite frankly don't exist, b***h.

Chaos Control Freak- Control Freak indeed-when we first met, it was in a Sonic the Hedgehog RP and I was a n00b that didn't think she was a n00b but still was a n00b nonetheless. Controlling and masterful of her crafty roleplays, she acts them out with her sister as if it has became a two person fanfiction. Misunderstanding led to misunderstanding, and we fought. Known as Mipyr back then, she was the first and only gaian to crudely and efficiently put my in my place. While I recently PMed her in hopes of reconciling, she has not answered and is wordlessly demanding mutual disagreement, in which I will ignore her to all extents. I respect you, Mipyr, for kicking my a** when it needed to be kicked, but immaturity shall not be recognized and your idiocy is frowned upon. I respect you for what you did then, but disrespect you for your deeds in the present.

West Silverfire- I just met him, and am currently struggling to conjure up a good nickname for him. As he is in my Sonic RP, I totally love him as I would my own family, but not as much as Megaru Ryuuji or Tama-rin, the latter not being written about because of lack of interest from the authoress. Intelligent, graceful, and very awkward to be around, I like him, but not as much as I do Vash, who I miss, because he is an idiot for getting himself grounded AGAIN. West Silverfire gets no respect, as he has never preformed an almost unimaginable feat for me or in my presence, but I still like him. Nyah.

Tama-rin- Oh, s**t, I'm writing about her. An enigma of idiocy, hyperactivity, and diabetesphobia (A phobia which I have made up just now) above her strange yet respected taste in attire and disposition, the most conspicuous feature that rests on Tama-rin's shoulders is how she spells 'just' with an 'e'. 'Jest' I have known her for half my life, but it's always bothered me. Again with the couple that's been married for far too long thing. She is overflowing with many admirable traits and is very artistically inclined, but she spells 'just' with an 'e'! ARRRGH! MAKE IT STOP!

Angelichost- Sweet, open-minded and fun to be around, I totally love Angelichost for her patience and dilligence with me in my RP when Megaru Ryuuji's loyalty grew thin and admire her for her ability to stick around for others. She deserves a pat on the head for her accomplishment. She gets respect, too, in hat form. -makes a paper hat and writes 'respect' on it in a purple marker, then places it on Angelichost's head- Sadly, she does not have a clever nickname. I'm working on it. Sheesh.

So o these great people and all the other close ones on Gaia that I have forgotten or neglected to mention out of laziness, HAVE A MERRY EFFING CHRISTMAS OR I'LL CUT YOU!

Love, Aoki Kyattsuai

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West Silverfire
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Dec 28, 2005 @ 09:31pm
No respect? What's that about? Come on, I'm in two threads with you, and I still have no respect? I even knocked you out in one. Give me some respect. Anyway, I just thought I'd add you a comment since you wrote about me. You have my respect, but since you didn't give me any I'll take it back!

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 29, 2005 @ 01:42am
*takes off hat, looks at it and treasures it in a treasure vault thing* well... thanks for the hat, i'd take that as a compliment... yeah, yeah, I know the nickname sucks like hell, but i couldn't think of a name at that time and all the good names have been taken... unfortunately, i could get gaia for not allowing me to have that name... but however... i will think of one... somehow...

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 12, 2006 @ 03:27pm
Merry Christmas, love. ^^

-Heart eyes-

I miss you Aoki-san!


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