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The Shift in my Life A summary of events, personal growth, hopes, and dreams beginning from my high school years.

Community Member
I'm sorry I haven't been on much these past 2 weeks, but I've been busy with drama. We put on a full blown musical plus a showcase in a matter of 2 weeks. Little Shop of Horrors. For the showcase, we did a choreographed warm-up, improv, Phantom of the Opera black light, and more. It was a lot of fun. Then I spent 3 days at Courtney's. It was great. It was coming home that caused problems.
Today, Wednesday, my little brother had a baseball practice and his team pictures but he couldn't find his hat. We looked for a good 20 minutes before I decided to double check downstairs. While I was down I heard my grandmother swear at someone so I came up. I got to the hall and asked who she swore at. It was my 8 year old brother. I told her that she wasn't to swear at him seeing as he's still just a kid, she couldn't give a damn. (I don't swear at home, or in front of my bros. I'm not a hypocrite.) I mean, my god. Then she has the nerve to turn around and ******** spaz at me for telling her to ******** off (not in those words*. I've said it once and I'll say it again. I can't wait to get the ******** hell out of this ******** hell hole.

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