Name: Jade "Phoenix" O'Connell
Age: looks 21
Race: Half Vampire/ Half Demon
Skills: Trained for battle, knows many tactics and styles. Knows Karate. Favorite weapons: Bow and arrow, staff, spear and sniper riffle. She can heal quickly and because she's half demon, she can walk outside during daylight and not be harmed. Due to her demon blood, she had some magical powers but she has not fully developed them. She feeds on blood but can also eat human food. Strong, agile, and quick to act.
Anything else?: She's a total flirt. Likes strong guys with a sense of humor. Main profession is assassinations but she has also worked as culinary chef in luxurious restaurants and as a bodyguard. Loves motorcycles. Loves dancing, especially salsa.
She is also known as "Phoenix" in the assassin organization because she has a phoenix tattooed on the side of her neck.
tattoo picture:
Jade_NightWarrior Community Member |