She sat in her house, black cat at her side, leafing through a spell book. Her home was decorated as if Halloween were everyday and for her it just might be true. "I know its in here somewhere!" she grumbled to her cat, Sphinx, who purred in response. "Yah thanks for the help, you are the laziest familiar ever." Sphinx rolled on his back to prove her point. She tossed the book into the corner where 5 others were that didn't have the spell she need. "You are probably laughing in your little kitty head because you know where I put it." She picked up another book and just like the others it took a trip to the corner. "USELESS!" she screamed before picking up another book. Sphinx, used to her tantrums, didn't budge as she screamed and threw one book after another into the corner. She just got out of a relationship with a man who tore her heart out, and even tough she wished to kill him, she thought congering up another man might help. On the table next to Sphinx was one rose, a red and pink candle, red ribbon and a bottle of cologne that she loved. "YES!" she said jumping into the air with a book in hand. She walked over to the table and began summoning the man of her dreams...
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