The rumor is that they broke up yesterday Princess-Paramore and Muppet-Head but rumor also said that the person who told me is a lier so i dont know anymore.
Friday should be good hopefully the girls are coming up mine and we are going swimming then hanging out after thats going to be hilarious.
Tomorrow we are all supposed to be up Princess-Pears to do some Science revision seeing as we only have 2 weeks on friday!!!! eek
Chemistry and Physics soooooo scared rolleyes
Wish me luck
Splatt out....
[b:245288a780]Your the only one who holds my hair back when im drunk and being sick.
Your the only one who knows exactly what i need.
Your the only one who knows exactly what i mean. ♫[/b:245288a780][/color:245288a780]
Your the only one who knows exactly what i need.
Your the only one who knows exactly what i mean. ♫[/b:245288a780][/color:245288a780]