Squee! Work sucked. .-. Nothing new there. Right now my friend is playing with my hair, he's gay. He likes having his hair played with.
We're talking about my hair. I have no clue what he's saying.
Watched Beauty Shop. Funny movie.
ToT <-- my new favorite face. Hehe. Kawaii.
Anywho. My sister hijacked my computer- surprise, surprise! So after like an hour or so of her stealing my computer yet again, I got it back. Mum once again freaked me out over a nothing storm .-. blasted woman.
Bloody annoying!
Anywho. While my sister hijacked meh lovely puter I messed around. xD I feed soda to my bestest best friend like a bird. -=spit=-
ToT he's reading over my shoulder. Bloody annoying. Note to self- never do journal entries with other people around. Doink.
>.> I created a new creature today at work during my boredom period. It's called a Spinx. xD Ha, Sphinx but with out the 'h'. >.> Okay maybe not. It's pronounced sp-ping-x
ToT Yet again a story idea. Okay maybe not a new idea. An old one just came back into my mind. Which made me wonder- should I trash some of my old stories? Some I've lost inspiration to and really don't know where they're going. ToT I just don't want to upset meh fans!
.____." Then again what fans? >.<+++++ Bloody 'ell!
Anywho, I'll wrap this up and go mess with meh gold yet again. WEEE!! Rich. >.> Not really. .-. So f00king poor.
>< DOWN WITH N00BS!!!! -=throws rocks=- Stone 'em!
Bai bai.

Moutons Noire · Sun Dec 04, 2005 @ 03:03am · 0 Comments |