Ambu: true, and it does reflect on you, however I think the positive reflections speak louder. Most negative overgeneralizations are made by people who have dealt with 1, maybe 2 mods and had a bad experience. So the overgeneralize. People who speak positively, have actual proof and evidence as to why said mod is amazing, or great, or what have you
Ambu: you hear one person say "all mods are assholes" versus someone that says "aquafire is so great, she helped me so much when I had x problem"
Ambu: the one where the encouner is more personal will always speak louder
Aquafire: I know that too... I guess I just had so little faith in my modding ability.
Aquafire: *have
Aquafire: Or something..
Ambu: you really shouldn't. I know you do, because we've had so many talks about it, but you really shouldn't
Ambu: If there was some way for me to prove that you actually are good, I would do it. But I think it's something you'll have to find out for yourself before you trully believe it
Ambu: but it is out there, you just need to break through the general negative comments from people who don't know better
Aquafire: Other than all of the admins and mods ganging up on me and saying so... XP
razz Ambu: i think your peers are the ones you should listen to though
wink since they're the ones that know exactly what you're going through and have to deal with
Ambu: regular users, and even your friends only know a minimal of the mod issues you have to deal with, but mods know all about what you have to put up with, and if they're saying you're doing a good job, i would believe they know better than someone who can't se
Ambu: I know you personally, so i would guess I know more than your average user about what you deal with, but really; I don't know all the things you have to deal with, all the time on a daily basis, so yeah
Aquafire: Nono, I mean, that's the only way I'd believe it.
Ambu: ooh
Ambu: well, really, i know a lot of mods who already think so, Missy
razz Aquafire: ...Uh-oh. Who have you been talking to? o.O;
Ambu: lol, quite a few people actually .. but I don't need to talk to anyone specifically to see what they have to say
Ambu: I read it in your LJ, in your gaia journal, in the helper chat when your name comes up
Ambu: a lot of mods do respect you, and think you do well, they of course also worry about you driving yourself batty since you never seem to rest :p but they see the good you do
Aquafire: ...Wait. I get talked about in the helpers chat ?!
Ambu: lol, a few times, yes
razz Aquafire: ....o_____________________O;
Ambu: and it's usually "ambu, you're mentor is crazy, she won't stop doing reports, make her stop, she's done enough"
Aquafire: ....Seriously?
Aquafire: I find that kinda funny...
Ambu: lol, why?
Ambu: i'm really not that suprised about it
Aquafire: How come?
Ambu: someone will mention "ooh, someone already got that thread" or "someone dealt with that" and on quite a few occasions that's been followed by a "is aqua on gaia >.>?