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View User's Journal

Life's Infinite Thoughts
My Journal and thoughts on life or other stuff on my mind.
My new song Darkness consumes
Does light over take?
What death breaths in
Darkness consumes
my soul breaths in

Death is a drug
it overtakes the strong
it crumbles the weak
and you cant resist the urge

just give in...

He knows when you are bleeding
in your inside underworld
he’ll seek you out
end your pain
just listen little girl

he lurks inside the walls...(give into the pain)
he watches while you lay rest (give into suffering)
he bleeds you while your crying(the heartless fall last)
bleed you until you cant bleed anymore(he walks on broken glass)

just give in...

The light at the tunnel?
It’s a lie
its not there
he’ll watch you suffer
he sits upon his chair

he lurks inside the walls...(give into the pain)
he watches while you lay rest (give into suffering)
he bleeds you while your crying(the heartless fall last)
bleed you until you cant bleed anymore(he walks on broken glass)

just give in...
You must give in...
There’s no way you can win...
Just give yourself in...

Darkness consumes where light cant reach that’s how they feast on souls...

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