Not too much happened today. The usual ramblings of me and my friends at the lunch table was the hight of most of my day not all of it. I can't compain really. I have a pretty good life. Sometimes its just so nice, I don't really know what to do. I guess it's because I cannot complain. I don't have an actual reason to. Unlike most teenagers, I have a respect for life that most don't, but how I got that respect needn't be mentioned without asking me yourself. It's a rather personal experience that I am glad to have happend, in the long run. I will write about it some day. Yes. I'm sure of it, but when my mind decides it's all right to remember it. Like I said, I cannot complain. The guy that I think is good looking, gave me a hug today and sent me a text message for no reason, it was nice.
Shy_Red · Thu Nov 18, 2004 @ 02:49am · 0 Comments |