new thinger that I'm working on with friends~
Gaian Secret Service
8D; Basically...its pretty much like a lot of other things roaming about but I really like this idea o__O; and thought up a backstory..and all that crap.
XD; its pretty much just like...a group of me...and some friends being stupid, but then we're like hosnap...doing undercover missions and defeating the evils of GAIA~ 8D; So yeah....eventually I'll probably revamp an old guild for this....So yeah..
new RP op....new story and character design op...pretty much anyone is allowed to join~
D; comment if you want in damnit XD; then i'll know to keep you notified and I'll harass you in PM's if need be~
Update: Guild created
request to join~
jenna_chan2 · Wed Nov 23, 2005 @ 04:39am · 3 Comments |