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Ramblings, and more! All at no cost! I might not update alot, or I just might put things that come into my head.

Community Member
Keep on Truckin' Chapter 3
"Turn it down!!"
I can't hear them. I can't. I don't want to. "Fine." I flick my finger around the nano's wheel, and hear the music's bass descend. My sister turns back to the front, she having shotgun.
But once they get into a heated conversation, I turn it back up.

Waaaake me up, when September ends...
Heeere comes the rain again, falling from the stars....
Drenched in my pain again, becoming who we are...

Mom has this idea in her head that we have to take every opportunity to stay together with my older sister. Shes getting married, and we know one thing;
The likelihood of her coming back is nil.
I don't plan on going to the wedding. Its on July fourth.

As my memory rests, but never forgets what I lost...
Wake me up, when September endssss....

I would ask Lauren to sleep over, but her mom hates me right now. And I have a feeling she wouldn't want to anyways. She has better things to do, most likely. Leah'd probably be somewhere with her family having a barbecue.
Kate'd be away in England. And if she wasn't, she'd be away with her rich family.
Jenny hates me because she's popular now. Fine.
So that just leaves me and the old rotting man downstairs. My Uncle Ed. My sister Hayley would be with her boyfriend, most likely going to second base. Yeah, shes been there already. How do I know?
I'm a snooper.

Summer has come and passed....
The innocent can never last...
waaake me up, when September ends...

Anyhow, I'm pretty much screwed. Mom'd probably make me come anyways. That'd be damn awkward.
I don't want to go. I'll feign sickness. I'll try to get mortally wounded or glue my hands to the wall. Or something.
I feel someone yank my headphones off my head. "What the heck?! Caitlyn!!" I hiss, snatching back the headphones. She gives me a nasty look.
"We're here." She says harshly, complaining about how I'm soooo insufferable. We just pulled up at the Friendly's restaurant. Funny, it doesn't seem to friendly of an atmosphere now that we're here.
We walk in, the air suddenly becoming uncomfortable as I smell the french fries they cook and freezer burn from their renowned ice creams. Dad waltzes in, Hayley trailing behind; not even looking up from her texting.
"Mom, I'm going to be late for a meeting!"
"You can afford to meet some other time. You don't see Lindsay complaining from her missing youth group."
Maybe thats because I don't really feel so great, mother? Maybe I don't feel like being lectured at how unholy I am and the like? My phone vibrates, and I slip it out of my pocket. Speaking of which...
A text from Lauren. 'Where r u? U not coming to yg?'
I sigh quietly. Sometimes I hate phones. Especially when you're down and really don't want to answer back.
I'll answer later. I slip it back in my pocket, hearing my mother tell me to follow them to our seats.
Commence 'Family fun night', part one.

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