Music definitely, Lyrics maybe. |
This is where Sophie and Will are.

There's an old piano [Comes into play later on.]

So I assume if I tell a story, everything will be all better again right? Wrong. But let's begin anyway.
Once upon a time....no. Somewhere in a very far away place from where we are....no.
"WHAT AM I DOING HERE?!" Sophie screamed as the boxes crashed to the floor, making the dust fly into the air as well as into her lungs. "This wasn't what I voted on doing!"
Well it's a good thing we aren't in a democratic system now isn't it?" Will choked, fanning the dust away from his face. He picked up another box and tossed it over towards her. "Well, we shouldn't be running a dictatorship either! School is supposed to be fair." Sophie gave a small pout and caught the box, then set it down by where the others had fallen. She looked around at the old place, it smelled good to her. Dust and rotten wet wood filled her nose. Will broke her from the focus. "Hey! We've got more boxes to go through, and we have to pick up the ones you dropped! Let's get moving!" he slid a box over her way. It collided with another tower of boxes, and millions of papers and photos rained down, scattering the floor. More dust rose into Sophie's nostrils, and they both laughed as the paper resembled a light snowfall of colours. "Grab them!" Will shouted. Sophie laughed and started jumping at papers, grabbing handfuls of reds, blues, light greens, and lavenders.
They both sat on the hardwood floor, setting the papers on the floor. Sophie picked up one of Will's, and vise versa. She scanned through the faded printing ink before something on the ground caught her eye. Something black and white in the midst of a rainbow. Sophie crawled over to it, then picked it up. The yellowing, bent edges of the photograph made her handle it carefully. She blew the dust off, then used her sleeve and wiped the rest off. "No. This isn't right. It can't be."
"What is it Sophie?" Will started getting up to crawl over to her. She looked over to him, then set the picture down and got up. She ran her fingers through her brown hair and looked ovr to him, her eyes misted over. Will was just waiting for the tears to fall.
"What is it about the community service that makes you want to cry? We found a bunch of boxes, we sent them crashing. Made it rain papers, filled our lungs with dust, found a picture, now you want to cry. What's up?" Will's smile had an ounce of falseness in it. She blinked back the tears, and looked down at the picture. "That's her. Before...."
Will caught on. "Oh Soph, it's okay. I get what you mean." He gazed down at the picture, then shut his eyes tightly. He pulled Sophie into a hug, and she backed away and went outside. She sat down on the steps and took a deep breath, releasing all of her energy. Will followed after her, then stopped. He grabbed the picture, and set it in his wallet.
"Let's cut out, and go do something. Anything you specifically want do do? Like, let's go to the aquarium or something." Will tried to make Sophie get her mind off of things. "Hey, let's go to the bookstore. That'll make you happy." He grabbed her arm to help her up. "We can finish later." Sophie looked at him with glassy eyes. She nodded her head and took another deep breath. "Happy. Right." and walked along, following his footsteps right behind Will.
nangal · Sun Mar 08, 2009 @ 12:19am · 0 Comments |