Hahaha just kidding of course. but these are some of my better, more recent pictures. smile
 At drama on like double run night I think, I'm on the right with my buddeh Sarah biggrin
 on the way to Sugoicon, there was an adorable panda ^^
 What? I'm not narcissistic... >.> Lol Tayler gave this to me fer meh birfday ^^ I likes it a lot smile
 In D.C., I think the WW1 or 2 memorial...gotta give love to the birth state!
 I'm so treacherous >=)
 "Hey, you're not supposed to be in there!" "Ho, shoot!"
 Dying from the extreme cold by the Washington Monument D;
 I think it was T.J.'s (Thomas Jefferson's) memorial...giving an old granny impression...def. not my best lol razz
 *gasp* This is where Lincoln got shot!
 First band competition of the year...haha that was like October or something.
 Sugoicon! ^^
LadyAlisyn · Sat Mar 07, 2009 @ 01:45am · 2 Comments |