Yup Updated at least daily. I constently take them. All of the pictures were taken from the quizzes. None of them are mine. Most recent are towards the top. ^-^
 Your Japanese name is Kohana - little flower
 Heartbreak Quotes
"I never stopped loving you, I just stopped letting it show"
"The easy part is hating you, the hard part is admitting i will love you forever."
"At this point in time, I'm okay with me and you and what I've become, but I'm counting the days and nights until i can hear a love song without wanting to cry."
"Sometimes, no matter how long or hard you've loved someone, they will never love you back"
"Is it wrong for me not to want to fall asleep because I'm afriad that i will dream of him?"
"I picked up the phone but all i heard was the dial tone...i really heard it ring this time."
"I fell for you, but you didnt catch. Now im lying on this cold hard floor and I dont know what to do..."
 Kokuyoku Mousy(dark) (D.N.Angel) You like your guy to be dark and hard to get. (But still flurtty) You like him becaise ot may not look like it but he understand you better than enyone else. He is also a fun person.

 QUOTE:The world has forsaken you, so I have forsaken the world There will be a man filled of evil. He is the kind of man that will be uncaring and distant to everyone. That is everyone but you. He sees something different within you and can't help but be drawn to it. He may be evil but he loves you and only you. And he would do anything to see to your happiness. This is the kind of romance of a vampire with a human. Fallen in love with a precious flower, found in the night. And wisks her off to a world with only him and her. And all you need is each other and no one else. The world has forsaken him there for you forsake the world

 Your inner spirit is confused ... Your not sure about something, or everything just seems wrong. Try thinking it over to yourself, or try to reach out to your spirit and get some advice from it. You may feel alone or scared, but there are tons of people out there that will always be there for you. Your friends. Your family. Everyone is willing to lend an ear to you. Tell them your troubles and before you know it, you will feel lots better.
 You are hiding Grief. You have had something terrible happen to you, or a loved one, and you are grieving about it. You want to put a happy face towards the world. You don't want everyone to know that you are having such sad feelings. You try to cover it up with other things, such as anger, or being obnoxious so no one will notice you're unhappy feelings. You should open up, let some of your close friends know what is wrong. They can help. Try to remember that anything that happens is for a reason. Try to find someway of relasing your feelings, like poetry, or art work. That will help and you never have to show it to anyone.
 Take The quiz yourself!
 You are a shy girl who doesn't talk much. You hardly ever let people see how you feel and would do anything for anybody!
 Dreamwalking is your specialtiy. You are a person with a huge imagination, and would rather live in their imaginary world than the real one. You love to sleep, because when you do, you get to live in your dreams. In your dreams, you see things that might come true, and at some times they do. You can interperate any dream, whether it be yours or someone elses and most of the time, you are acurate. Many people may look down upon you because of the fact that you don't seem to see the problems of the real world, but you do. You just want to escape them, and your dreams and imagination is where you can find that solace.
 You are lukewarm! Your heart is good and whole, but you have built a wall around it, so no-one can see the true you. Shine, and show your colours-you will make a beautiful rainbow.
 Smart One! You've got the brains!
 You have a calm soul. You love to just chill out on your own sometimes, or with friends. You have some amazing qualities, like being able to remain calm in almost any situation. You find being near the sea a blissfull experience, and you dream and think alot. There are times though when you just need to get out and be away from life for a bit, and the place you go is normally a beach.
 Samurai- You're an honarable samurai who will die for her family, but if you were known as a samurai, then you would be hunted down and killed, as would your family.
 You will be a starving artist....either a musician, artist, poet, novelist...once you break out of your shell, then you will become noticed...and become one of them. -You will have no kids -You will get married at like your late twenties to thirties -You will marry another artist...one kinda like Gerard Way or Marylin Manson -You'll live in a friend or relatives basement
LoliMilk · Tue Nov 08, 2005 @ 02:40am · 1 Comments |