Yes I'll do that. Put it on my to-do list of the many things I must do. @.@"
So like >> I need to start working on Nancie's birthday gift. -=smacks self=- I'm so effing slow. o-0 It's not much, but hopefully it will look nice and for Christmas I'll be able to give her something a little better. >O
Nurses are smechy.
<U b b e r S m e c h y!!>
Yes they are!

n.n Nancie just gave me a bunch of pictures of smechy asian nurses o.O Hawt!!
O.o I've adopted four new characters: Karisma, Mirage, Cyril, and Damon.
One's an AIDs victim who's in love with his boss, another one is a full-blown drag queen with cancer, the other is an ex-priest framed for a mass murder and sent to prison, and the final is a powerful demon lord raised from the pits of Hell to collect his pet who ran off to date a priest.
Interesting little babies aren't they?
n.n never a doll moment in my little lockhouse of characters!
So I got information from colleges. Lets see- I've been accepted to Dominican University with a $4,500 scholarship that will reknew each year and total to $18,000. I've also been accepted to Capital University which I never dreamed of getting into, and I've been accepted to DeVry University and ITT (though I'm not going there)
Now I'm waiting on Otterbein University and I'm applying to Denison University.
x.x College is hard to deal with.
My councler says to just relax now and wait till we send out FASFA. >>"
>.< I don't want to go to work tomorrow.
Well imma go before Nancie beats me with a spork for not role playing with her. xD!!