-3OH!3 & Rainbow City. -School. -Stickam. -The Earth as we know it. -Doubt. -Marriage. -Colorado & Yellowstone/ Mount Rushmore. -Holly & Syao. -Rain. -Other unclassifyable things.
Okay so to start, let's go with music. Like always.... 3OH!3 is like, the funniest thing ever. And I like to sing Rainbow Veins with maii seester Holly. We get quite a lot of attention for our amazingdisappearingbutstillthere tonedeafness. You'd love to hear it, we make everyone smile or laugh, including ourselves.
School is fun but sucks. I just finished a project that was assigned last week. I actually started it two days ago, then skipped it yesterday to go grocery shopping. Then I did it in class today, and came home and did the rest of it. I'll take pics of my half-assed job on it and let y'all know my grade. You can get a total of 100 points, and with the sucky job I did on my timeline, I should probably get like, 95. And the 95 includes the extra credit....XD
Sticka stickam stickam. I have parties. Me and friends sing and dance and laugh and type and talk. We act dumb, get hyper, become bessfraans, love each other. We do gay voices, scare each other, and eventually beat each other. Come and join us. Mostly Fridays and Saturdays, around 5-11 or midnight PST.
Pssst! Links: Mee;D Syao!<3 Holly Hallucinations
Ohdoode. I drew a picture for my history project of the Earth. BRITISH EMPIRE is surrounding it, giving the meaning at the time of the phrase 'The sun never sets in the British Empire.' And let me say, my Earth SUCKS. I'll colour it and take a picture, making sure to label the countries I drew. Please take no offence to my map and poorly drawn sketches....it was done in five minutes. Harhar..
Okay gaiiz. You all need to STOP doubting me. Because I WILL prove you wrong. That's written in my profile, and when I first meet you in person I'll tell you never to doubt me because you're wrong. I hate it and you're wasting your time, so leave your doubts with someone else. I'm NOT the person you want to doubt.
Okay everyone, I'm getting married. I know exactly what you're thinking. 'This girl is 14 years old. How in the hell is she gonna get married?!' Well, I'll tell you how. Syao. Syao and I are gonna get married and we're gonna have a huge future and we're gonna be awesome! Look at the ring he gotted meh:
 He went to Jared!♥♥♥♥
So me and my dad are planning a trip to Colorado or Yellowstone. And if I don't go, I'm either going to near Vegas to see Holly, or Arazona to see Syao. Anyone live close to there? I can get exact locational spots if you need me to be specific in it. I'll meet you there! We'll have lunch or something. It'd be wonderful! We'll take pics!
Holly and Syao. My seesterfraan and my lovely. You guys seriously are the bestest. I literally stay awake almost all night on weekends just to talk and sing and laugh with you. I love you guys so much. Stickam would just suck without you. Myspace would suck without you. Life would suck without you. Without our inside jokes, our songs, our dances, laughter, engagements, beating, rapid, scary, loud, pundingon thekeyboard typing. We have sooo much fun. Everyone gets jealous at our confusing love and fun. We'll be together foreve. Holly, me and you will never separate as long as there's sticks and gay guys to love. And Syao, you and me will never be apart as long as we like the same music and have the same things in common. We all made promises to stay together. Me and Holly have been together for like, 3 or 4 years! Me and Syao, we've only known each other for a short time, but it feels like we've known each other for like, ever! Since the beginning of time we were meant to be fraans. And until the end of time and beyond gaiiz. We're sticking like glue and....stickyness.
IT RAINED TODAY! I WRESTLED IN THE RAIN. I GOT SOAKED!! MY HAIR WAS LIKE WOOOOOSH....STATICALL! And I laughed and splashed and had so much fun. It was wonderful. The temperature was the best ever this week. Overcast but still warm and yet cold. I had too much fun. I walked home and watched the clouds move across the sky. I felt such a great connection. I felt at peace with the world. Everything calmed down and slowed. The rain made me close my eyes and listen. I just listened to life. It made me think. It felt like everything was yelling at me, and then the rain fell. And when the rain fell, everything froze. It all just stopped and I was the only thing moving. And I was moving so slow and calmly and happily, that it was just perfect. And when I opened my eyes, there he was. Hugging me. Holding me in a hug, keeping me warm. Tickling my sides, making me laugh. I was happy.
My arms hurt. They feel like jello and pain. I was pinched, and worked out, and all this other crap to just make the pain set in. And I'm thinking of doing Shintoism. And I might go vegatarian. I'm pretty much one anyway, and I like it. So yupp.
nangal · Fri Jan 23, 2009 @ 02:51am · 0 Comments |