Fav rants of
The Noodle House of Rants!, With FREE COOKIES AND NOODLES!..~Courtesy of Master10070's poll forum ((go and check it out I'm the cook))
My Rants of the Week!..
This is not meant to offend anyone!, It is merely my opinion on certain topics!..
Also these are not the only rants that I have posted, If you would like to read the past rants, I'd be happy to send them to you ^^...
Rant Number 1 - A rant!, Well my rant today is over how much people want to know about what they eat.., Do you really want to know everything, like how much fat is in a can.., The F man, seriously.. And its getting to the point where they have nutritional fact for everything., Like today, I found a pineapple with a nutritional fact sheet attached to it., THE HELL, ITS FRUIT! ><.., and whats even worse is when you see nutritional facts on a bottle of water., WATER! ><, WHAT THE HELL!? ><...
Other's Rants That I Liked!..
This is not meant to offend anyone!, It is merely other's opinion on certain topics!..
If you want to have your rants here, then just tell me, I'll be more then willing to put them here! ^^...
Teh Confuzzled One, on Page 132, Post 13!... - So when i was five the neighbors ferret started talking to me. So i stabbed it to death. And my parents put me in an insane asylum. Then after FIVE YEARS!!! They finally got me out!! Now three years later the ferrets started talking to me AGAIN!!!!! scream scream Soooooooo i took a metal bat went to the pet store and beat all the ferrets to death. biggrin AND THEN they put me back in the asylum!!! And now i have to take these stupid pills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< But don't worry because i haven't been taking them. ^m^
Kaori Muffin, on Page 133, Post 9!... - COOKIES!? >=O Well, I'd have to say that I am going to rant about the imaginary cookies that I cannot eat. It's in-humane! IT'S... CRUEL!! I demand cookies, even if I have a stash in that cupboard two steps away from here... But that's not the point. =O
I still love you =O
Teh Confuzzled One, on Page 134, Post 2!... - Well bob i have......*drum roll*....ANOTHER RANT!!!!!! *turtle gasp!* You must be kidding me you JUST had one yesterday!! Oh but I'm not and this one is about a very important issue.
So when i woke up this morning the radio was on. [As always.] So i was about to get up and turn it off when this radio talk show came on, Normally i hate these things but they were talking about something very interesting, And disturbing....0.0 They were talking about 8 YEAR OLD CHILDREN GETTING INTO PORN!!!!!!!!!!!! I was totally freaked out!!!! My little sister is almost 8!!!@_@ And did you know the most common reason for kids getting expelled these days is looking up porn on the school computers? Well it is!! What the hell happened to shoving a stink bomb down the principles pants!?!?!?!? And this isn't only on the computer, It's on cell phones and ipods too, They can also get porn on game systems! What the crap?! And if you compared the brains of a child who was addicted to meth and the brain of a child who was addicted to porn they would look the same!!! 0.0 For me that's really scarey because i have a 7 year old sister......0.o
NothingFlames, on Page 137, Post 4!... -
i hate stupid phrases. kill two birds with one stone. who the ******** can kill one bird with a stone? and it's supposed to mean like, "good, now we got that out of the way." Since when are these poor birds condemned to death from living? and "that kinda food sticks to your ribs". how the ******** does this food push its way out of your digestive tract, through all the muscle and fat, and then cling to a rib? THIS would mean you require immediate medical attention. "don't run with scissors". they seem to think not running with a set of blades that can safely close requires more attention than steak knives. don't ******** run with a steak knife. "don't let the bedbugs bite!" BEDBUGS ARE VERY RARE, and if a kid knows that there are bedbugs, 1: they're not gonna sleep in that bed and 2: why the ******** WOULD they let them bite? that's ******** ridiculous. "but mom, i wanna get bit!" an apple a day keeps the doctor away. AN APPLE WILL NOT KEEP ANY GOOD DOCTOR AWAY. "oh no, i have cancer!" "it's okay, eat some apples and you'll be as good as new." BULLSHIT. well, that's it for now. i might post more later.
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