Marnie got up form where she had been sitting and closed her book. She was finished reading for the day. Putting all of her stuff into her bag, she picked it up and looked around, she might as well get to class early. Walking slowly across campus, she saw various other children running and talking and laughing and smiling. She faked a smile at people who looked at her. They were her old friends. They thought she was fine, they didn't realize why she was so distant. She didn't really know why either.
She arrived at the classroom just when the bell rang. The teacher walked up and unlocked the door, letting the students in. Marnie waled in and sat down, setting her bag under her desk and pulling her hood off. She pulled her sleeves over her hands and wiped her face. The room looked darker than outside, and the room was warmer than outside. She pulled her hoodie off, revealing a bright blue top. She had on two necklaces, one a locket, and the other a plain black string with beads at the bottom and a little pendant. They plaed with it, turning it back and forth and admiring the history of where she had gotten it from.
Setting her necklace back down on her chest, he walked in. She looked up right when he passed her. Keegan. "Hello Marnie." he said, a smile on his face, acting as if nothing had ever happened between them. She looked down and choked out the words, "Good afternoon Keegan." in a whisper. What was she doing talking to him? It hurt to talk to him. Her whole body ached just saying those three words to him. She quickly darted her eyes to out the window and felt somewhat better. They only had about an hour of class. She just had to survive an hour of class with him and then she could leave. She could get out of the class, and out of school, and then gone for the weekend. Yes, that was all she had to do. I can do this. It'll be easy. I don't even see him. He sits in the back and across the room, far away form the door. As soon as that bell rings I can just get up and go without having to see him. Yes, I CAN do it. She smiled a little smile to herself at this thought. She had confidence of being able to get through the class period. She believed in herself.
Coraline arrived at the airport just before the plane landed. She found Cadence and walked over to her, giving her a hug. "Hey dear." Coraline said, smiling at Cadence.
"Why hello there Cora." Cadence replied, calling Coraline by the nickname she had given Coraline almost a week after meeting her. "Glad to see ou, I almost thought you had relapsed and headed back into that dreary old room of yours." she paused for a minute, eyeing the clothes Coraline was wearing. It wasn't anything fancy. A red sweatshirt, and a pair of skinny jeans. Her tennis shoes had bit blue shoelaces on them, tied up in loose bows so she just had to slip them on. It was all she really had to wear. When you were a spirit, you didn't really need a change of clothes, you weren't going anywhere.
She was actually suprised to not see Cadence look more formal. Ever since she got her hair cut to match Corlaine's, sh had been more let loose. She used to wear dresses and shorts and skirts and flowery tops and blouses. She used to wear sandals and strapless heels and wedges. It was nothing like Coraline. Now she wore hoodies and skinny jeans and and tennis shoes and sandals anf tight band tees. It was mostly stuff Coraline had picked out but never bought. Cadence would buy it instead. Cadence even dyed part of her hair! When Coraline first met her, Cadence said doing something like that would be like asking to ruin your beauty. Now, she was dying it pink. But one thing hadn't changed, her personality. Cadence came form a girl from the south. She used those souther terms like 'dear' and 'hunn'. And she always said her words different. There sounded like 'they-uh', here sounded like 'he-uh', and she said 'ain' or ain't nothin' a lot. She seemed sort of religious, telling people to pray for their hearts. It was something she picked up form her person.
But none of that mattered. Coraline still saw Cadence as the bettr half of them both. They watched new people come in form the terminal and they waited with smiles on their faces, looking at the dazd and confused faces of the new arrivals. "Pick one, any one new spirit." Cadence whispered to Coraline, who was eyeing a few of the new kids and adults that walked by. She thought they all looked the same. Nobody stood out to her like all the other times. Why was this? She gave up, and picked a random person. Cadence walked over to the boy and shook his hand, offering some help about where he was. He started out shy, but took the adivse of Cadence and walked over to Coraline. "Hi." he said in a nervouse voice. "Why hello there. My name id Coraline, and you are?" she offered a hand for him to shake. He eased up some and shook her hand. "Andy. My name is Andy, I think. Where am I? This doesn't look anything like where I was before." He looked around with wide eyes.
"Welcome to Heartless. This is, well, it's a place for spirits to go when they've been lost. When Cadence find someone to guide, we'll both take you around and show you what it's like here. You'll enjoy it, but you've got to get used to it. I'm sure you'll make it here fine. And in case you don't, I am usually cooped up in my room all day. Either there or an observation tower. You're welcome to join me if you'd like if you need something to do." She gave him a warm smile, which he returned. She was shocked at how fast she had been in offering him some help and friendship, but she enjoyed seeing the other spirits happy for their first time here. She knew how it felt to be new and nervous and scared and confused, and she liked knowing she could make it less scary and confusing for them. Andy followed close on her heels as she walked over to the registry to find out where he would be going.
"we'll take you to registry and find out what part of town you're going to be staying in, if you've got anyone here waiting for you, and if you've got any unfinished business. Oh and of course, we'll find out why you're here." she talked and walked quickly. Andy took it all in and made mental notes as she told him what they were going to do. "Okay. That sounds good to start off with." he replied after a few seconds of retaining the information she had given him. "I hope it's good that I'm here."
Oh I hope to God that you're here for a better reason than I am. Coraline thought.
Included pictures to help get a better idea. Coraline:

nangal · Sat Jan 17, 2009 @ 05:38am · 0 Comments |