So, it was his last day at school. We took some pictures in math. Greatest pics I've taken and shared in a while. When I get the videos and stuff, they'll get here too. [If they get posted ofcourse.]

This is our hand star. And part of Edgar's cell phone lol. I have green nailpolish, and my hands are like....pinkish redish.

Haha this made me laugh so hard. They all wanted to look up and look glorified and great and such. So Edgar's looking one way, Kevin's looking the other way. And Marvin's in the middle, looking at me. I think he was confused.

Pepperjack the Pimp♥

"You're a monster." Marvin is wearing Farkas! YAYY! [Insiderr]
There were more, among others. But I'm not posting them yet. They aren't exactly, the best haha.
nangal · Thu Jan 08, 2009 @ 04:12am · 0 Comments |