So I was out on the road a few nights ago and I saw someone had put up Valentines day lights. For all of you that don't know I hate Valentines day. I mean it's nice if you have somebody, but I usually dont have anyone to be with on this day dedicated to love. A few of my friend that have boyfriends or girlfriends I get jeaulpus of them becuase I dont have anyone. So while most of my friends are going out with theyre other half you wanna know what I'll be doing? I'll probablly be in my room with music blasting on a date with my razorblade. That my Valentines red. Razorblades understand loneliness. Of course I don't cut to kill myself, thats just stupid. But thats what I'll be doing. And I know that its not even close to Valentines day but ever snce I saw those lights I've been thinking. And I doubt that I'll have anyone before Feb. 14th. But yeah Happy Valentines day to those of you that have other halfs. And to those like me who have no one, well theres not much to say. Don't cut too deep? I don't know.