I'm so frik'n sick of everyone doing the 'poor me' routine! I'm done with it! Honestly! ALL I seem to be getting out of anyone and anything lately is s**t.That's all I get! I get one sentence and the next day, it's all suddenly something completely different. People yell at me when normally I would just listen, instead, I have been yelling back. There are certain people around me who act as two totally different people when they are around other people, including adults. I have not been dealing well with the venting I allow people to do because I try to rant sometimes and I just get stared at as if I am insane and then it gets brushed off. There's a certain somebody that I owe an apology to. Forgive me for not doing it in person, but I know it's because I have had a lot of stress and you were there to take it out on due to certain aspects being pointed out. I'm sorry. Please forgive me?
Shy_Red · Sun Oct 23, 2005 @ 02:28am · 3 Comments |