Yo, its me BC, just writing to my crew... somethin new:
Backyard Boxing today. If your not familiar with boxing, mainly cuz you are living in a small, secluded room where u are fed through a hole and given ur daily dosage of internet, boxing is where 2 trained fighters beat eachothers brains to a pulp. Yes, it sounds very brutal, but its hella fun.
Well, on my agenda, me and a group of friends are meeting in one of our backyards where we are each given an opponent to fight with. Unfortunately, my fight wasn't planned, so most likely im going to fight my good friend. (aka for being the ranked 3 overall in the world for karate) I'm not afraid of him, im only worried about the very noticeable bruises that will come from him... bla. Maybe i could send some pics... hm..
Now the only thing that can ruin this event are the cops.... bla.
+Bloodys Corpse+ Community Member |