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Ramblings, and more! All at no cost! I might not update alot, or I just might put things that come into my head.

Community Member
2008 in a few nutshells...
Hmkay, lets see here...*looks at list of important stuffs* Ah yes, here we go!
1. Met a few good online friends (i.e.; Blakie, Yunnie, Angsty, iDuckeh, etc.)
2. Went through a big ol' saggy bout of depression, and am currently getting help for it. 3nodding
3. Turned 17. (though, it doesn't feel like it...)
4. Took up church with one of my very good friends (*cough*thatnaminegirl*cough*)
5. Got into a bit of a piss fight with EvilZombieGirl but everythings ok now...
6. Met a guy...Online....And... redface I'M-A SKIPPIN' THIS ONE.
7. Kind of sort of quit quizilla due to its changing for the WORSE. gonk
8. Got me some awesome stuffs...XD I'm running out of things here...
9. Emailed one of my very favorite webcomic artists and actually got a reply back that wasn't automated. biggrin
10. Got over 5,000 hits on my devi page. ^^

Now, this is stuffs I plan to do for 2009!!
1. Go to an anime convention with EvilZombieGirl (THIS HAD BETTER HAPPEN! SERIOUS FACE IS SERIOUS.)
2. Graduate Junior year and start Senior year. (I'm so old... crying )
3. Be more confident in myself and not let jerks, icky online peeps, or just plan suckish people get me down.
4. Go to an anime-Wait, I think I already said this....s**t.
5. Get a permit and learn to drive. ( AND ACTUALLY PASS THE DAMN TEST.)
6. Get a job at the animal hospital as a lowly cage cleaner and the dirty stuffs.
7. MAYBE, POSSIBLY, SORT OF LIKELY...Go to prom. Though its not lookin' too great at the moment.
8. Find my damn bento box. stare I can't find the blasted thing since this summer...
9. Get better at drawing...?

So as you can see, my goals are not that big-*gets hit by a brick* ...Ok, ok. Maybe they're kind of big. But yeah, so such is life.
Oh yeah, and maybe have some people actually read and COMMENT my journals. Yeah, that'd be sweet. wink

User Comments: [1]
Evil Zombie Girl
Community Member
comment Commented on: Fri Jan 02, 2009 @ 08:19pm
Oops I forgot about the anime thing!!!!!!!!!! ahhh!! umm we need to find a con first XD

oh and i want pocky XD

User Comments: [1]
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