So....I've been paying a little more attention to my feelings in where I am in Gaia at the moment...
and I came to the conclusion that I all of a sudden feel really out of place. It used to be that I could go into a thread and just chat with people about anything and everything I feel like I should have some sort of purpose for bugging them. I mean..I'm sure this isn't the first time I've felt this way...and I'm sure some of the people that read this have or are feeling the same exact way.
The new rush of people in the R/C was fantastic...I was really really happy to see so many new and fantastic artists thriving in the overwhelming economic changes that are going on. I'm really really glad that so many people are doing well in the forum I've grown to call home...but with that, so many people have left...and a lot of people have grown to replace old friends with the new people.
I don't understand why people just can't continue to be friends with the old and the new. I know I'm sort of..hypocritical in this sense...because I don't go out of my way to make amends in ties with old friends...but sometimes its just nice to run into someone that you knew way back when.
Like when I first joined...I remember I could walk into almost any forum and feel welcomed there, but now its gotten to where I have to watch where I post in pretty much any forum. I have to watch my words and who's around. I have to double check myself just to make sure that what I'm saying is even relevant, because lets face it...if its not on the same page or about two pages ones going to give a flying flip about what you have to say. My opinion is often overlooked, my posts are often overlooked. I've gotten more prone to lurking than anything else.
=___= excuse my rambling about the good ole days...I'm sure its so cliche but it really is something to miss...and something a lot of you probably don't know.
*sigh* oh well I suppose~ all good things come with the bad ^^;
jenna_chan2 · Fri Oct 21, 2005 @ 06:03am · 2 Comments |