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Severely. Pissed. Off.
This is a shoutout to Dimdim370!
OCD? Whassat? Overage c**t Dimdim?

I've been told that mimicry is the highest form of flattery. I guess I should be happy that Dimdim is trying to write poetic rants like me. Shall I open 'I suck c**t! [Dimdim fan thread]' sometime? I guess you think it has a nice ring to it.

Do you not realize that none of us take any humour from your miss-spelled words and your kindergarten typing style? Not one snicker leaves the lips of any of my peers at any of your attempts to stir them to be revolted with my fashion of thinking.

You ain't able to stop these thoughts! You can't stop my thread from toppin' these charts! And you can't stop me from making another rant for these ******** retards!

What if you're right? I'm just a criminal making a living offa the world's misery, what the hell gives me the right to say what I like and walk around flipping the bird?

Dimdim. GO. TO. REHAB. Stop wishing you were me! Nobody lends you a hand of sympathy to your stupid and surreal fears! Instead, we give you a three-pronged a**l probe, which will hopefully keep you with your hands free.

You think you're cool? You think your retailiations are hype? 'Incompetent mockery.' is the best you can come up with while I rip out your ******** tonsils and feed you pureed beef?

Here's my advice. Instead of snorting the crack that you found in Nakoko's jewlery box and feeding this guild bullshit with total disregard to the fac that I'm better than you and am shitting on your face as we speak, get back where you belong.


What are you, on speed? You type as if you have no teeth, so I assume you are. While my peers giggle and watch intently as I shove this anvil up your disrespectful a**, you should take the time to realize that nomatter how many eleven-letter words you use, I'm never going to stop?

I've been strangled, thrown on the ground, bashed in the head with a pan, kicked in the head, and nearly had a wine glass broken into the rear of my scalp, all because of my sass. You think some clitfaced b***h's five-liner of a rant will prove to be a solid mark in my rude adventures? Think again. And while you think and play russian roulette with your stuffed panda, do something else.


-sticks up her middle finger-

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Oct 23, 2005 @ 06:31am
Seems to me if this Dimdim is copycating you, he or she might have an obsession or something. Being a rolemodel is onething but being an obsession, you need to stick a lot more then an anvil up this Dimdim's a**. how about a taser with a remote control *evil grin* that would be fun.

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 26, 2006 @ 06:43am
Its sad when they try to copycat. Its as if the little s**t bricks think they can shut us sarcastic bastards up with one tiny sentence. Nope, not that easy and never will be. Power to you, wield the rant sword proudly. As for Dimdim use a nasa space ship instead of an avil I think it shall get the point across with flying colors. pirate

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