Updated PLanar Personalities (Agni) |
This is a small section I will write up every 10 games for all the Npc's
Agni Ystori 6th level Fighter/6th Level Mage (see other stats in the Earlier publication of Ms.Ystori for personality, alignment, and Faction)
Str:18 (17) Dex:17(16) Con16(15) Int:19 Wis:13 Chr:8
Current Magic items: toe Cutlasses +1 (forged on the outlands) 50 crossbow bolts +1 1 cutlass +1 made in Baator a Ring of Evocation (grants her a +1 save vs Evocation and Enemies a -1 to there saves) a Cutlass +2 (Trnasient, functions on all planes as a +2 weapon) and a Scarf of Cold Resistance (1/2 damage from cold)
Spells: 1st Level: Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Color Spray,Sleep, Afeect Normal fires, Audible Glamor, Coomprehend Language, Apider Climb and Taunt.
2nd Level: Bind, Fog Cloud, Levitate, Scare, Web, Wizard Lock, and Invisibility.
3rd Level: Slow and Lightning Bolt
So far she has proven to be a menace to the party as often as there enemies. She seems to enjoy getting drunk and causing destruction. In her most critcal moment, she was used to plow down a whole band of Abashai, along with the assistance of Alexi, and Verdak. Agni has proven to be difficult to deal with sometimes, but she seems to bring same malevolent common sense to the table.
Relationships with PC's and NPC's -- Has attempted to kill them, and will do so again until having done so - hates them but nothing has been done, save for petty things. 0 Neutral to them and thinks nothing about them. + dislikes them, but not violently ++ tolerates has no agenda on trying to aid them or hurt them. +++ Considers them as a close friend and would fight in there name. ++++ Is very fond of them, and is romanticly inclined toward them if opposite gender. +++++ would put there life down for them in a heartbeat, and cares about them deeply.
Verdak:++ Vorkin:+ Cyrus:+++ The Bird WHisperer: - Hornir:- Markus:0 Alexi:++ Nyrcka:+++
Azalin · Sun Oct 16, 2005 @ 07:02pm · 1 Comments |