yeah its saturday. oh well. anyway... another script...
*First panel: downward shot of 2k laying in the circle like the one that made her* Block with text in it: ... Nick hasn't left his house... not too much anyway... block2: i've heard when he comes out... his hands are red...
*second panel: Shows Nicks hands against the circle on either side of 2k's head, a little red liquid splattered against the floor and some of 2k's hair. there are some spots of liquid mixed with the blood that look like water* Block of text: I wish Nick would stop... his hands... he's hit the circle so much they're raw... and bleeding... Block 2: I won't... no... i won't stop. i put life into 2k... i can do it again. Why isn't it working?!
*Third panel: Outline of mika from a bright doorway, Nick is shown sitting at the bottom of the panel, hunched over, wearing a blue s**t* Mika: Nick... its been a week... you've only stopped a couple times to eat, use the bathroom... and you've used up most of your paychecks to buy energydrinks... you haven't been sleeping... Sfx: thump
*Fourth panel: Shot of Nick's head, his hair is messy, and his eyes are surrounded by huge black circles. his eyes are teary and angry* Nick: I can't stop... i've got to revive 2k. I put so much into her... i've given her a home, clothes, just about everything shes asked... i can't give up on her...
*Fifth panel: Xp stands next to mika, who is looking at the floor. Xp looks a little sad, holding a small tray with a sandwhich on it* Xp: mister Nick? I made you some grilled cheese... and one of those energy drinks... Nick: *off panel* Thank you.. just set it down... i'll take it in a moment... sfx: Thump
*Sixth panel: Nick looking at his hands, covered in blood, extremely raw. the tray sits next to him, with mika's shadow covering him* Nick: Why can't i do it...? does she need life again? I've tried plugging her into the wall... nothing... she won't turn on... why? Why won't she live again? Mika: *off panel* maybe... she wasn't meant to live again...? I mean, you see what happened before... What if it happens again...? Nick: *second bubble, attached to the first* NO! I want her to live again... i'll give my life if i have to... Mika: *second bubble, attached to first* you can't be serious about that Nick! Don't! Nick: *Third bubble, attached to second* I'll do whatever i have to... ... ...
LabTech118 · Sun Oct 16, 2005 @ 04:57am · 0 Comments |