Blar o.0 I have nothing to say other then today was slightly annoying. XD I broke down crying because I was an idiot and decided to watch the movie X by Clamp. Yeah, I should know by now that I shouldn't watch that movie. Despite prepping myself through out the movie, I still cry at the end. I'm smart.

((Yay for X!!! Though this is actually a Screen Shot from the TV series not the movie. The TV series is sooo much better. Movie doesn't go into enough details and whacks the story up a bit... -=sniffles=- I still cry though!! TT____TT))
Talked to Nancie for a bit. Wasn't a lot XD so I've pretty much haven't talked to her in two days. Sucks.
Role playing with Nukey.
Cursing my parents mentally because they're duche bags. Stupid racing. >.< It can go to hell! It can go to hell and die!
Work was annoying. O.o at least I got off on time. Ever since Paul started working there I have. Yay!! n___n
ninja I've gotta finish my painting for my class. It's like ubber over-due. Oh well XD I'll finish it tomorrow. 3nodding
Anywho, Imma go post in the RPs I haven't posted in for like two days. O.o" So much updating. BLARGH!! stressed