So my title is an equation. yay. :l
So yeah. Jealousy..I've never really considered myself a jealous person until now...weird.
and I've always been a sort of angry its really no wonder this whole Twilight fandom is irritating the living hell out of me. XD
Seriously didn't flip this much s**t over Harry Potter and their actors were WAY more attractive and DIDN'T look like someone shittily shopped them.
AND the story was FAR more original. (i know I'm gonna get shot...who cares at this point...)
I mean...I'd like to SEE Twilight...but its not like I'm all like 'OMG GOTTA GO NOW. WEAR EDWARD CLOTHES. BE A FANFAG I MUST' seriously...I wanna see the movie just to see the movie when I get a chance.
And NO, I did NOT read the books...I can't. I'll listen to the audiobook eventually. but I CANNOT read it. Its really bad. :l IMHO.
Also back to the topic of jealousy. As of late, I've been really jealous of other people...I won't name names....they all have gaias. cool
Its not like 'omg i hate you' jealousy's more like 'wow I wish I was like them' or 'Wow, I wish I had what they have...' kinda jealousy.
And I just dunno...I love ALL my friends with all of my heart. Like seriously. I get livid beyond belief when I hear others going all trashtalkey on them. I flip s**t. (coughcoughprepfagsandceramicsclasswhileiwasdatingzackcoughcough)
But no seriously I love them. And that's probably why I get called Bi/lesbian so often... :l ******** it. I don't care anymore. I suppose your perception of me is what it is. so if you wanna call me bi/gay because I love my friends...then whatever. but they'd be the ONLY females I love. seriously. Because they're by FRIENDS.
Even my non-female friends. I love them just the same. because they're my friends. (says the girl who can't stop liking her friends...ohoho)
And yeah people...I am ME and there's NOTHING you can do to change it. I'm sorry. If I'm not the person you'd like me to be PLEASE speak up and tell me..but chances are I won't change. Unless I feel you are right/I like or respect you a whole hell of a lot. :3
And I'm gonna post journals regularly now. I like writing these. It sure is cheaper than a shrinkk. lol. ;D
some short notes:
Music is my life, my soul.
My friends are more of my life and my soul. I live for them. *-*
My family is there..but then again not...oh well.
I may be bipolar, but if you're stupid enough to say I am because of my musical tastes then you are a ********. :l
My little cousins are ******** adorable. <33
And I love my hypothetical family (aka my two of my friends = my 'parents') lol. Seriously...School is far more fun with them there. I love them both so much. <333
and that would be the end? NOPE. lol. I have yet to rant about my recent conversation with my ex. (cringes at that word...i hate it...)
so, after like FOREVER of not talking to him...he decides to talk to me yesterday. the conversation was sorta like this. (m = me, g1 = this one girl, h = him, g2 = my friend)
M: *turns around from her locker to ask g1 something* HAY.
G1: oh hay. whats up?
M: can you text me the history assignment later? i've got that trip today
G1: sure.
M: thanks! *feels a poke on her back*
H: hey...
M: ohayyy! how are you?
H: okay. its been a while since we talked...cuz of the...awkwardness...
M: hah yeah. I missed talking to you. so mean. ;------;
H: haha....I have a new girlfriend *looks around*
M: oh...*face falls flat*
H: *looks at me* um...
M: she needs to talk to me...bye...
H: oh..okay...bye... *hangs head*
*i hug G2 and go to visit my other friend's lockers*
So, not only was I totally destroyed by that conversation...I was also confused by it...
Why does he care so much if I was visibly hurt by his comment?
Why didn't he choose a different topic of conversation after a long conversation hiatus, if you will?
Why do I still get butterflies in my stomach when he's there and why do I want to hug him so bad? (likes someone else right now.... :l )
Why am I so gay?
If you can answer those questions please do. (MSG, comment this journal, my profile...whatever...)
oh oh oh. Gaia issues time now! :"D
So, I haven't failed played zOMG since closed beta right? and the other day people asked me to play again so I did...and I cannot get out of the sewers. DD: ugh. so gay. seriously.
Whelp. I'm hungry now...I'm going to go make some brunch-y foods. :3
Listening to: Scenes and Sirens- I'll make the moves
I'm so sorry that you're all alone
I'm a fighter
You're a lover~
and also listening to Cross my heaI know youre going crazy (crazy)
But happy is all that you make me (all you make me)
And things are gonna get better baby
I know everything went wrong ok (ok)
But now its time to get some better days (some better days)
Cus I dont want to keep acting this wayrt by the Rocket Summer
Mood: mellow..but jealous, mad, upset, and queer at the same time. :l
Plans: tonight is light-up night. I'm going to that. :3 tomorrow is play. biggrin
Thoughts: -blank- how much i love my friends? IDK. DD:
bai. <33
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