*sigh* This is one of those critical stages of life, where we are tested....We are tested to see what we are truly made of. Chelsea is currently unknown.... I have not received any word from her at all since Monday. Since she told me that she almost killed herself I have not slept well. I think I may have fallen asleep, just out of exhaustion. My stomach and whole body is turning itself inside out. My grandfather, the only one I have left just had a stroke. I had feared that I would have to fly out to see him. Saddly my fears have come true. Now it may sound like I have no desire to see him. However I do love my grandfather, and I respect him. My mother said if there was to be any surgery however we would go out there for it. Thats the reason I do not wiah to go, its for his surgery and I am worried. This too has had its toll on me...The final thing in this test is my Job. I work now and I want to make money to pay back people I have borrowed from. This is my first job, a time for me to make something of myself, and actually do something for a living. Please whatever gods or god exists grant me the power. The power to weather these storms and endure them. I wish slowly to evolve as a person and become stronger. Oh sure I am not a good guy, but you know. I try, I honestly do try. I Love you Chelsea and I will always be here for you.
Azalin · Wed Oct 05, 2005 @ 03:02pm · 1 Comments |