Because I'm bored, let's show what happens when Ursula Hartmann gets her nose in a really, really, REALLY good book:
Ursula: *Walks out of a random bookstore near the base* o.o *Is mesmerized by her new copy of Battletech: Wolves on the Border, but then again who isn't? (More on that later.)*
*Later that day...*
Ursula: *Lounging on the couch, her nose still in the CBT novel* ...
*Jack R. Gatling and Erica Hartmann walk by yapping about...something fairly random.*
*One hour later...*
Ursula: *Still reading* ...
*The trigger-happy Machine code-named "Big Guns" walks by, not in the heavily-armed custom combat walker that nets him his reputation.*
*Two hours later...*
Ursula: *Still reading* ...
*Hiroshi sits down next to Ursula, his nose stuck in the latest monthly astrophysics journal. Note the cover story has something to do with the manipulation of black holes.*
Hiroshi: ...
Ursula: ...
*Both are just...reading...and reading--we're not talking about normal reading, but ultra-obssessed reading here!*
*Five hours later...*
Ursula: *STILL reading* ...
Hiroshi: *Also still reading* ...
*Klaxon goes off*
*A bunch of masked insurgents run into and out of the room with an irate "Big Guns" chasing after them in his combat walker.*
Big Guns: KISAMAAAAAA!!!! *Fires off a fusillade of dumb-fire anti-armor rockets at the insurgents.*
Ursula: *Still reading* ...
Hiroshi: *His nost still in his monthly astrophysics journal* Keep it down!
And we all know where this is all headed, so enough of that--I knew Battletech: Wolves on the Border was good, but THAT good? (Actually it is that good--I spent an entire day reading it over and over when I first got my copy of it.)
CrazyBunnyShota Community Member |