So yeah yeah yeah. I haven't posted in forever blah blah blah. I've been busy okay? My Text Inbox is now apparently a place for others to verbally abuse me or for people who are actually decent to me to seek advice. which i don't mind the last..but the first one irritates the FAWK outta me!
Like today, I did NOT go to school. So? I can NOT go to school if i want to and my mom lets me. But nooo my friend has to but her a** in where it doesn't belong and take my situation the wrong way saying that I didn't come to school cuz i 'didnt feel pretty enough' and how thats 'no reason not to come to school'. Well first off I have been working on things so much that I didn't have enough time to shower last night so my hair was relatively greasy and I wasn't about to go to school looking like a homeless person. (i also lacked pants that fit) so yeah. She also had NO right to go about judging MY attendance choices. If I want to take a day off from that hellhole I damn well WILL! >:[
Then the b***h has the GALL to tell me that I should go ******** myself. I then responded to that with 'well why would I do that when people like you do it for me?'
Needless to say I didn't get a response to that because she was utterly pissed off.
And then to top that off my family, in addition to friends/schoolmates, tells me that I pretty much fail at life and communication. Well PARDON me! I did NOT realize that if one likes to keep things to herself and such that that qualified them as 'failing at life'. rolleyes So yeah.
Then I get a rude awakening the other day that I don't need to go into. And that's another reason I didn't attend school today. but that is beside the point.
I hope that the school and the folks inside of it that harass the ******** out of me burn in hell. And I hope this occurs slowly and painfully for that matter.
I also hope that the select few of my friends that know about the reasoning behind my recent break-up are happy with knowing cuz it kills me to say it. (I can't get over him...and as much as people wanna call him names...I think he's awesome. And I love him. neutral ) And if I catch ANY of them talking about it behind my back I'll surely kill someone or myself. I'll just pop a couple extra pain meds is all. :/ So yeah.
And again, Like I've said countless times, I'm sick of the s**t. If you've got a problem with me I EXPECT it to be said to my face and not for me to find out from someone else that you were speaking about me behind my back.
I've come to learn that so many people that I've called 'Friends' aren't friends at all. most of them have used me, abused me, and the like. So I'm just through with it all. And I hope that once I can get my mother on my side about homeschooling I can start that as soon as possible and leave my ******** up school district. As for now I'll keep becoming more and more miserable as days pass...only being kept somewhat sane by music and the few friends that HAVEN'T used/abused/emotionally injured me. So yeah.
And Gaia, I'm glad you can listen. You're the best thing ever. Better than therapy. biggrin
Just stop making changes to your database and site and s**t. Its not cool. =/
so yeah. that's it.
If you actually READ this s**t then PLEASE let me know. cuz I'd like to commend you on your efforts...
Listening to: Everything I ask for by The Maine
Thoughts: "fist fights turn into sex? and Claudio wants some mayo? what is this s**t?!?!" (music lyrics...)
Plans: movies at five...maybe...if I don't cancel...
Mood: Moody and depressed and just downright UNHAPPY.
![]() Lieutenant Magi Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
bio won't be the saaaaaame. D:
you should see me when you're absent. totally dead.