So Mimmy and other college-bound readers: I felt prompted to impart to you some wisdom that I stumbled across the other day. (I won't tell you where...) First of all there is no way to learn something well enough to make it absolutely impossible to forget. Forget all that stuff about permastore, it just isn't true. Secondly, frequent repetition can actually prevent the effective formation of strong memories. The best way to build long-lasting memories is to review material in predetermined blocks of time, giving the brain only a particular allotted time to review before breaking.
It is best to review material after three to seven days from the initial learning session. Well-structured sleep at the correct time is more important than length of sleep. Long sleeps have been correlated to many diseases. Most geniuses sleep very little and instead take short naps throughout the day.
I hope that basically just renewed my decision to procrastinate as much as humanly possible. Anyways, my life is going well. I'm procrastinating as always, but at least I got a 100 on my test today. *Dances* And guess how long I studied for it? 10 minutes. I see a correlation. I'll test that on the next one too. I did dance in my room today to relieve stress. I decided that if I cranked up the volume on my laptop and just started moving that I'd feel tons better. Yep, moving and singing loudly and obnoxiously is always great, though I'm sure whoever was still in the apartment at 10:20 this morning did not appreciate it. sweatdrop
I have tons to do tomorrow. xp Yay for leaving a Spanish Composition and case study questions until the last minute. At least they're not due until Friday. One at 11:30 in the afternoon and the other at 12 pm midnight. xd I need to catch up on my readings and online lectures. I'm terribly behind, but I just hate reading textbooks...grrr. I vote for more pictures and graphs and you know jokes and humor in textbooks.
That's why I like my comm law class so much. We have at least one movie each class. And she just announced that the test will be take home so I'm not sure if I'm actually ever going to read the textbook now. I'll print off the vague outlines that I made and look up all the bold face words for reference and I think I'll be fine.
Well I think that I'm going to go call my baby and let him know how much that I love him and go to bed. Fun times at Java City tomorrow. xd
![]() beautifuldream Community Member ![]() |
Community Member
Dancing is fun! And if anyone complains, just get them to dance along with you 3nodding
Good luck with your to-do list. Mine is monstrous, as usual...