Karate belt graduation, Normally, since this is my first graduation ceremony, I’d go from white belt to orange belt, but I did so well I got a recommendation to skip orange and go straight to gold!! XD Fan-freaking-TASTIC!!!! That totally doesn’t happen everyday. I feel so special, but my brother only when to orange, and not only was he jealous, my master told me that I have to help him because he’s not behaving in class very well. To be honest, I’d be just fine with making him stand out in the rain with a book balanced on his head for ten minutes, but I am not the parent, and so that dastardly foe the tattle prevents me from taking action. I know mom knows that she needs to be more strict with me than action, but every time she does something like ground him all he does is clean his room that he never uses and look at her with those starburst green eyes and all is forgiven!! I never got away with that…that’s just…not fair. -__-…
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