Quote: I never wish to see you again The dying light of my midnight sky. I will never reach you anymore With these broken wings of mine.
Cast out from the heavenly clouds You turned away from me. I consider it sweet justice now That there is no longer a "we".
Yet I must live on past my death The white feathers of my wings silently fall. "A dream is all it was" I say to myself. "The pain was never there at all."
~*~*~*~*~Gaia-Related activity~*~*~*~*~
Things were pretty much on the down-low in the GEN, so I didn't feel the need to post too much. Cel's got a CUTE design for the 4th reincarnation of the GENer badges, so when she has the thread up, I'm gonna have one made. ^^
Talked to Embyrr/Cara for awhile this morning as well. She agreed with me on a lot of "anti-boy" points we came up with, which included me becoming a biologist to come up with a way so that the human race could procreate without men. XD JOKING!!
We only talked about it because we've both been having issues involving members of the incomplete chromosome lately, but it was fun to let go of some of my frustrations a bit with Matt...
Where the internet blends into reality...
~*~*~*~*~Real life activity~*~*~*~*~
Mmm... I've been mostly staying off of Gaia today simply because today was my "hell day", or, the day of the week that I'm most stressed out due to my classes. For the hell day, it wasn't too bad...
Then I got home. XP
You-know-who up and IMs me again, so now we're talking about the meaning of life and spirituality... and of course I'm getting that sense of deja vu all over again.
Kathy's been busy ranting and raving to her friends on her phone... which is getting rather annoying, but there's nothing I can do either. ._.;
Time to watch some Full Metal Alchemist on my comp, then turn in for the night. XP
Aquafire · Wed Nov 10, 2004 @ 07:37am · 3 Comments |