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Hello. I'm just here to inform you of the death of someone who was not even close to me, but I miss her all the same. I've always admired her name, and now she's gone. It just makes me sad...Well, that's pretty much all I have to say.

Oh! Wait! I was reading Bladez88's journal, and I noticed the thing about the universe being an egg. o.o Woooaaaahhh...What a tripadelic thought, really. It's like, the universe came out of god's a**!

Oh, I have to say this; Have I met or spoken to god? No, I haven't seen Marshall(Eminem) Live yet, and now he's gone and gotten himself an addiction to sleeping pills. Either his next album will kick a**, or there won't be anext album...O.o Nuuuu!

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Blade Kuroda
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 14, 2005 @ 10:34pm
I didn't say that it's an egg. I said that it started out as an egg. But it's just a myth, so....

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