this contains thoughts of my day,my day,poems songs and whatever I feel like putting on here.
im going to put poetry on here cause i feel like it,
~Life Changes~
So much change, my life has begun to seem so strange. People i see start to become mor important to me as my feelings become something different than what they used to be. My friends and I part our ways as their lives change too. Some have lost their significance as I notice their difference. I'm growing and changing, but i wish the things in my life would stop rearranging. Inside and out I have become so different,but despite the strife I go on with my life. Now some things hurt more than others and i see different colors,and I can now see the lies behind the truth. Although in the trash lies a crumpled letter that says,maybe some things change for the better.
by, wouldn't you all like to know my name blaugh
please leave comments,those of you who take the time to read this I would like your opinion,do you think this was good enough to be published at,i already submitted it so dont bother trying to take it.