Whew! It's been a looooooong time since I've updated this.
Imma gonna rant now.
I hate ignorant people. My Aunt, who has never touched a piano in her life, is telling me, who has taken piano for six years, I am not practicing correctly. Yeesh. Like she has any right at all. She also claims I don't know how to play. What. The. Heck. scream She was yelling at me because I haven't learned a song (I started a few days ago) yet. I'm stuck on a part, goshdarnit, I'd like to see her try to learn that piece.
Speaking of ignorant people. There are two Gaians who decided to pick fights with me. Wow. rolleyes I'm not going to mention names, but you two know who you are. The reason for the flame war? I didn't rate a 10 on their avatars. Pretty weak reason, eh? Their avatars didn't even deserve 10's anyway, it was just some junk piled on top of junk. Honestly, how did they think they were going to win anyway? What a waste of 1k.
Anyway, it was somewhat amusing at first. The way the TRIED to make me apologize. But I grew weary of their stubbornness and put them on my ignore list. And I rarely ever do that. Okay, I'll admit. My reviews were a bit harsh, but it seems that you can't get through the skulls of the n00b generation without being tough on them.
Back to my Dear Aunt. She threatened to tell my mom I didn't practice! UNACCEPTABLE! And she accuses ME of being stubborn. Damnit. I hate how she always thinks she's right. I know she's family, she's older, yeah. But she's just unreasonable. I, the piano student, told her what correct practice was but she won't listen! ARRRRGHHHH!!!
I wish I could go on a one way trip to Disney World and leave all my troubles behind. I miss Disney. I miss Room service. I miss having chocolates on my pillows and my towels folded into cute little animals. I miss the supersonic sound the toilets make when I flush them. Actually, no I don't miss that. WHY IS REALITY SO CRUEL!?!
RANTRANTRANTRANTRANT. It's amazing how much I'm changing. I used to be a shy person. Now I'm more outgoing and talkative. My Parental units say it's hard to tell if I've changed for better or for worse.
Rant over. PHEW. I've probably wrote a lot of things I'm going to regret typing later one, but hey! It's finally off my chest.
Farewell fellow Gaians. -poof-
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