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A day in the life of Moi! ^^ a daily (or somewhat daily) log of what i do! how fun is that? very fun!

Lieutenant Magi
Community Member
You guys acutally read this crap?
'Cause it's nine in the afternoon....
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Heyheys. I wasn't aware that people ACTUALLY read this....hm...Cool! YAY!
So yeah...My dad is a jerk. he miffed me off so bad that I had some evil, evil, violent thoughts towards him. It, quite honestly, scared ME! surprised
But he deserved it. Hes like an angsty teen/five year old. GAWD. And hes a freak'n boob. Yeah, I just called my fat, retarded, drunk father a 'boob'...DEAL!! mad
Ahaha. But still. Hes a jerk. I don't like him. He's manipulative. I am forced to go to his hellish house. I'm miserable by the end of the day. End of freak'n story.
Have a super day all you lucky folks who don't live my life. biggrin
And to those of you who pity/can relate/etc. comment! mm'kay? biggrin
See ya! ^^

Listening to: That's what you get by Paramore? (i think its by paramore..not sure)
Thoughts: you don't wanna know really...
Mood: ANGRY! mad
Plans: See if someone is coming over or not. I hate when people don't answer me. XP
Your eyes are the size of the moon...
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