OMG THIS WEEKEND WAS SSSOOO GREAT!!! Robert, Matt, Dusty, and me went to disney quest ((coutusy of Roberts parents < stare yes Vanya the Robert I like> wink ) and had an AWESOME time! We played this VR game call Pirates of the Carribean and then we made our own roller coaster and then we kick some alien a$$!!! oh man was it fun...then that night we left and ate at UNOs and had this totally yummy pizza ((mmmm Mushroom pizza ^.^)) and then we told the waitress that it was Roberts b-day and they brought him this huge sunday was great...then the next day my family and I went to disney marketplace for the day and the for dinner we ate at The Dixie Stampead! oh man was that ever fun!!! This weekend was teh AWESOME-EST EVER!!! blaugh
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