The fourth day of the olympics, he met a young man who looked at him with passion in his eyes, "How did you get like that?" He asked. "You look AWESOME!"
"You wanna trade places with me? Be my guest. I hate looking like this. I can't return to my beloved when I look like a monster!"
"Hey man, calm down! Maybe I can help you. Gimme those flowers."
"No. They're for her..."
"They're what started this whole mess, aren't they? Get rid of them, and you may turn back to normal."
"I guess..."
So he handed over the demonic Winter roses. The Head Case Monthly Collectible the man in cloak had given him dissapeared and the Holy Guantlets morphed to his arm.
"There", said the young man, "You look better already. Now have fun in the rest of the Olympics!"
So, he did. And won many prizes. At the end of the week-long event, he walked away, carrying the flag of the city he represented over his shoulder.
"Time to keep searching..."

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