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Mail Order Ninja!
I'm that person you call when theres nothing left, like, you've even thrown your BEST character at 'em and they won't go down, yeah....THAT one
I'm excited and apprehensive of the coming school year....It means I'll have new friends and new experiences, but with those things comes unwanted drama and strife. I MUST keep my grades up this year, or it will be hell, for me and those around me. I won't be on the advanced track for math anymore, but I'm not in the normal math either, which means I'm going to be in a class with a whole bunch of juniors and none of my friends. But I will be taking 2-D art this year, no more icky clay pots. I mostly just can't wait till this is all over and I can do my own thing. I know that life during adulthood will just get harder and harder from this point, but it will be a more effective teacher than any of the people in this "School" place.

~Axel out

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