OMG, if we can keep this up, then I'll be so happy!
Here's who joined us!:
Actually, while looking through this, I can actually do both Towns and Games, if you don't mind.
Gaia Name: Broken Butterfly345 (That's really irritating to type - you can just call me Broken or Butterfy, whichever works.)
Can Work on [days, hours]: 7 days a week, whenever I'm on.
Reason why you want to join our shop: Because I'd like to help other people on their quests - this seems like the funnest way to do it~!
How long do you plan on working for us?: As long as I can
Position: Permanent Town Collector and Permanent Game collector
Gaia Name:entretengame
Can Work on [days, hours]:weekdays,12 pm to 12 am
Reason why you want to join our shop:I need something to do,gaia starting to get boring for me...
How long do you plan on working for us?:whenever you tell me to stop
Position:game collector
Gaia Name: xXxChocolateCupcakesxXx
Can Work on [days, hours]: Monday-Saturday some sundays, up to 8hours a day
Reason why you want to join our shop: Because I am almost always in towns.
How long do you plan on working for us?: As long as you want me/the pay is worth it.
Position: Town collector
Gaia Name: empressclarissa
Can Work on [days, hours]: everyday for at least two hours
Reason why you want to join our shop: i could use the gold
How long do you plan on working for us?: a long time. my hours & days may change...
Position: town collector.
Gaia Name: Kiss My Applesauce
Can Work on [days, hours]: Every day, pretty well all day
Reason why you want to join our shop: I have tons of town items that i need to get rid of
How long do you plan on working for us?: how ever long you stay open. lol
Position: Town collector, and i can get tickets once in a while.
namine melfina Community Member |