It isn't sunny enough to go tanning later, so I'll have to live with the horrible contrast of skin for now. My neck is realllyyy pale, and my face is going to tan soon (right now it's sunburnt), ditto with chest and arms. I will not go through another school year like that. It makes my face look red all the time and is terrible.
Another terrible thing that happened today was that I couldn't go to Wesley's because his mom has to go to work at four. Boo! And I'm getting a job next week, so I don't know when I'll have time to build the time machine. =[
Well. Rachel and I are at the library. We're going to the mall later, then I'm sleeping at my grandma's.
I can't even talk to my five people anymore, or text; so don't be offended if you text/call me and I don't answer, Kyrie.
Audra Connolly · Fri Jul 11, 2008 @ 07:33pm · 1 Comments |